And in this post, i continue introduce to way to use it.
The fist : thinking the id for cache, this id must be unique, example I have class person and do the list method in this class at page 2 in default module.
The best id is ="default_person_list_2"
so we have $cache_key ="default_person_list_2"
class person{ public function list() { $cache_key ='default_person_list_2'; include 'caches.php'; $cache =new cache(); if ($cache->isValid($cache_key)) { $result = $cache->getCache($cache_key); } else { $person_db = new person_db(); $result = $person_db ->getAll(); $result =$result; $cache->save($cache_key, __CACHE_TIME, $result); } // do something continue. } }we include caches class and create new object caches.
the first: we check valid long life . if it is still valid then we get result from cache.
Otherwise, we get result from db throught $person_db (or some class else) and cache the result to file.
And if have second request, we will not get result from db again.