class cache { public function __construct() { if (!defined('CACHE_PATH')) define('CACHE_PATH', __SITE_PATH . '/caches'); } }Note: You must create cache directory before. The __construct() define CACHE_PATH if it is't defined. To save cache , we create two file that have extenstion is .cache, .info. it is easy to remember , you can change to another extension name if you want.
Below is save cache function
public function save($id, $time, $content) { if (!__ENABLE_CACHE) return; $file_info = CACHE_PATH . "/$"; $file_cache = CACHE_PATH . "/$id.cache"; //Equal current time add the long time $time = time() + ($time * 60); $handle = fopen($file_info, 'w+'); if(!fwrite($handle, $time)) return false; fclose($handle); $content =serialize($content); $handle = fopen($file_cache, 'w+'); if(!fwrite($handle, $content)) return false; fclose($handle); }
the input parameter is
- $id to indentify the id cache.
- $time is the long life is calculated by minutes.
- $content is object that you want to cache.
The check it we have below function:
public function isValid($id) { $file_info = CACHE_PATH . "/$"; if (!file_exists($file_info)) return false; $file_time =file_get_contents($file_info); return (time() < $file_time); }
And this is finally function, get object from cache file.
public function getCache($id) { $file_cache = CACHE_PATH . "/$id.cache"; if (!file_exists($file_cache)) die("File $file_cache not found"); $content = file_get_contents($file_cache); return unserialize($content); }
And this is full code
class cache { public function __construct() { if (!defined('CACHE_PATH')) define('CACHE_PATH', __SITE_PATH . '/caches'); } /* * $id is the key to save cache * $time is calculated by minutes * $content is the content will be cached. */ public function getCache($id) { $file_cache = CACHE_PATH . "/$id.cache"; if (!file_exists($file_cache)) die("File $file_cache not found"); $content = file_get_contents($file_cache); return unserialize($content); } public function save($id, $time, $content) { if (!__ENABLE_CACHE) return; $file_info = CACHE_PATH . "/$"; $file_cache = CACHE_PATH . "/$id.cache"; //Equal current time add the long time $time = time() + ($time * 60); $handle = fopen($file_info, 'w+'); if(!fwrite($handle, $time)) return false; fclose($handle); $content =serialize($content); $handle = fopen($file_cache, 'w+'); if(!fwrite($handle, $content)) return false; fclose($handle); } public function isValid($id) { $file_info = CACHE_PATH . "/$"; if (!file_exists($file_info)) return false; $file_time =file_get_contents($file_info); return (time() < $file_time); } }