At first, install module mongodb for node in this link
You don't need to download install, just open cmd open type "npm install mongodb". it auto instal module mongodb for you.
And next, create test.js to test connect and fetch data.
Code below|:
var Db = require('mongodb').Db; var Server = require('mongodb').Server; var client = new Db('test', new Server('', 27017, {})); var insertData = function(err, collection) { collection.insert({name: "Kristiono Setyadi"}); collection.insert({name: "Meghan Gill"}); collection.insert({name: "Spiderman"}); } var removeData = function(err, collection) { collection.remove({name: "Spiderman"}); } var updateData = function(err, collection) { collection.update({name: "Kristiono Setyadi"}, {name: "Kristiono Setyadi", sex: "Male"}); } var listAllData = function(err, collection) { collection.find().toArray(function(err, results) { console.log(results); }); } var findName = function(err, collection) { console.log("Find Name..."); collection.find({name: "Kristiono Setyadi"}).toArray(function(err, results) { console.log(results); }); }, pClient) { client.collection('test_insert', insertData); client.collection('test_insert', removeData); client.collection('test_insert', updateData); client.collection('test_insert', listAllData); client.collection('test_insert', findName); });after create file done, open cmd and type node test.js. Make sure you cd to nodejs folder before and mongodb installed.